Book 2 - A World of Revenge
8 25 - After the death of Lipxio everything changed, jhamhat already did not know what to do, then decided to hide, but could not as madora covernar, jhamhat ordered all magicians create a criatua able to kill a god, without success magicians, jhamhat was very nervous, and killed all the wizards who existed in triox. 26 - After killing the wise men, the world went to war, the knights killed the offspring of sorcerers and druids and paladins went to war with the knights again, about half the planet was dead, the spirits of nature no longer appeared, kings have fallen, the species were extinct and the Amazons were wilder than ever. 27 - In the battle between a town called Yodo Alarh against the Amazons invaded the field of battle, were a minimum of 10,000, killing everyone, then with his wild pet, invaded the cities, bringing children, women, workers and animals to throw in a volcano erupting near the mountain wing. 28-About two entire towns were wiped out, those who were starved to death, the spirits have forsaken all, hunting was impossible, was a terrible famine, and war did not end.
9 29 - Everything was being extindo, madora was happier than anything in your home, in the depths of triox she planned to go to the surface finish all that's left and then create new creatures to dominate the planet. 30 - Jhamhat seeing madora wanted was to dominate the surface, and then he saw ... nothing .. an empty space, no grass, no water, it no longer even the wind blew over the fire ruled the towns and plantations, and the scent of human carrion was intense .. Seeing this 31-cituação jhamhat dessidiu end it, and brought all the souls triox right back, but he acted without thinking, people who returned were unable to get used to the new climate and hunger, and suffered, died again, jhamhat seeing it realized the mistake he made and sent the spirits return to triox.
10 32 - The spirits agreed to return with only one condition, the extinction of the human race, which created two new human jhamhat to start the cycle and pandora was dead. 33 - Jhamhat agreed, killed all the humans who remained and created two new human, but did not accept being told jhamhat then hidden, put those two powers of all human spirits, and these divided powers and Vhix Zhak, Vhik meant that for the powers of the spirits had to train hard, and zhak meant to use the strongest powers need to master all spirits and all the elements of nature, Jhamhat also made only inherit these powers and the ability to have them only someone honest, able to defeat the forces of evil. 34 - Humans were called Elair Jacobh and they had as children: Flith, Mayar, Elain, Matthew, and Colosair Janeti. 35 - The Descendants of Mayar and Matthew were ghulan, feither, Galic, Evana, Leipzig, gaera, the descendants of flith and Elain were jucas, Lucas, Myths, Vanessha, Gdélhia, The Descendants of Colosair and Janeti were fiuh, logan, Serys, honan, Gadmin, the descendants of honan and logan were announced, Fliphe, Sashya, the Descendants of gaera and vanessha were: Philip and Gutant.
11 36 - After many, many, many generations, humans have spread on earth again, madora was at home, just watching the actions of humans and looking for a human to be able to kill his companion, Jhamhat dessidiu raise a child to have as god and put his name to Ernar. 37 - Equanto Ernar a new God was very kind and gentle with humans, jhamhat decided to die, because he had done so much nonsense and could not stand to see the history repitir several times. 38 - The descendants were many, nine thousand three hundred years after Elair Jacobh died and was born a boy named Erlan and a girl named Elya, the two grew up together, were raised as brothers and ended up falling in love. 39 - The descendants of Elya and Erlan were triplets Cody, Nick and Macky.
12 40 - When the triplets born old and wise people worldwide predicted wars, destruction, death, blood, then sent to kill the triplets, but the king of the city where they lived (trhy orgondor) disagreed. 41 - 15 years old, the twins began to notice some differences in your body, the strength of one of them was more than 10 men together, so the king ordered the three to train to go into battle, as they could be useful. 42-30 years if paçaram and the twins had the same appearance and body when they were 15 years, then the king remembered the predictions of the wise and sent to kill the three, and Erlan Elya, not content to have fled the city in a different continent, city was named Thais, It was a few miles from Thais, who was at war with Carlin, the city of women, it viviram the twins for 80 years.
13 43 - When the twins were 30 years old, and had the appearance of a boy of 15 years Ernar appeared and said, Go and train, train for two thousand years and defeat madora. 44 - without understanding the three were wise to seek help, many tried to kill them but failed, some said they were devils, others said that if God did not kill them they were children of trainer, among all the three separate cituação , Cody goes to Non Eliar on the mainland north, Macky and Nick went to Fanurbia to Gadélia, Cody followed his life as a blacksmith, honest and gentle, Macky was a sailor, learned all about the sea, and nick went to live in the world of crime stealing and selling stolen goods. 45 - One day for each Ernar appeared and said: Go and train for two thousand years, and then kill one of his brothers.
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